2014-04-06 国际学生实习计划
在2014年英国移民法修改草案中,在英国积分制签证体系(PBS)中原有的第五等级Tier5(Government Authorised Exchange Scheme GAE)中新增国际学生实习计划 (International Student Internship Scheme ISIS) 。 成为目前唯一针对中国留学生在英获得实习经验的计划。留学生毕业后找到实习工作,满足最低工资标准,即可在英国境内直接从Tier 4 学生签证转成为期一年的Tier 5 GAE 国际学生实习签证。Tier 5 GAE ISIS 也将对在中国的211大学应届优秀毕业学生开放,获得实习职位的学生,在中国境内可直接申请Tier 5 (GAE) ISIS 签证。
STATEMENT OFCHANGES IN IMMIGRATION RULES 2014年移民法修改草案原文摘抄如下(可点击www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/291360/HC1138_Print_Ready.pdf阅读原文,第108页,第244款):
国际学生实习计划(ISIS)为学生留英求学积累工作经验提供了直接的平台和签证上便利,弥补了PSW (Post Study Work) 签证法案因被滥用而取消后对国际学生毕业后留英积累工作经验的签证问题。ISIS项目总监特仑斯.穆雷在接受记者采访时表示:随着中英贸易不断发展,从事两国贸易的企业雇佣了解中英文化,通晓两国语言的中国留学生的需求不断增加。本次移民法修改草案中在原有的Tier 5 GAE 等级中新增的ISIS,从企业的需求和留学生获得海外工作经验的需求出发为中国留学生设立这一签证绿色通道。中国留学生只要找到实习职位,通过ISIS审核,即申请可获得Tier 5 GAE ISIS 签证。ISIS的实施将大大缓解中国留学生在英就业难题,为留学生的职业发展提供了契机,弥补英国教育的学制短,学术性强的弊端,帮助学生学以致用。
1. Tier 5 GAE is not a new government policy or official replacement for the PSW. ISIS Tier 5 GAE is a new scheme in the Tier 5 GAE category supported by numerous departments in UK government. The Tier 5 GAE category has been operating for many years. ISIS is, however, the first Tier 5 GAE scheme to focus on international student work experience and to make use of the newest government legislation (September 2013) which stated that students in the UK can transfer from Tier 4 to Tier 5, which was not previously allowed.
2. ISIS Tier 5 GAE is one of many options for students to work in the UK when their visa expires. Students are also eligible for a number of other visa categories including Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 5 GAE ISIS could be a good option for those students who find the barriers for Tier 1 and Tier 2 too high and who want to target companies who don't have a Tier 2 licence or are looking to employ students for a short-term in the UK and then long-term in their China offices.
3. All of the companies making use of the ISIS Tier 5 GAE must meet a number of criteria, one of which is to pay at least the national minimum wage. However, our market research shows that companies are willing to pay much more than that for a good candidate.
4. There is fee payable for sponsoring students for Tier 5 GAE ISIS Visa. This is not just to cover processing the visa but also for the administration costs of monitoring applicants during their internship, reporting to UKVI if necessary and ensuring students return home once their visa expires.
5. ISIS is managed by Denning Legal and OSSC who are involved in developing the Tier 5 GAE ISIS scheme, mainly dealing with visas and monitoring students. Other parties include solicitors and UK industry representatives etc.
6. ISIS Tier 5 GAE isn't for everybody. It is only for the students who are willing to bulid up working exprience after graduation. The scheme aims to meet the demand from British companies who are specifically looking for talented individuals to add to their China operations.
The ONLY official information for this scheme can be found on the official website www.ukisis.org, and ISIS Weixin (ISISUK).
ISIS Managing Board